Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hiding battery icon from status bar with no gap / space

When i installed pvyparts battery bar i wanted to hide the default battery icon from status bar
I read that i need to change the pngs of the battery icons into transparent ones
But it left a gap in the status bar

So i finally found a way to totally hide the battery icon from the status bar without leaving a gap in it's place

First decompile the framework-res.apk. If you don't know how, use my guide HERE
Then you will normally replace battery icons with transparent ones
Ready made transparent icons from HERE
Extract, copy the icons to the drawables-mdpi / ldpi / hdpi / in your framework-res.apk
Open framework-res/values/arrays.xml
find this line:
Move it directly under this line:
    <string-array name="config_statusBarIcons">
Recompile, copy meta-inf folder and androidmanifest.xml from the original apk to the new apk
Push it to your phone