Sunday, August 17, 2014

Whatsapp stalker detector for Android Free! know who opened your chat or visited your profile

Whatsapp Stalker detector for Android!
Know who opened your conversation or visited your profile.
Using GBWhatsapp !
Just share our work on facebook if you like it
Today i'm going to show you a little trick using whatsapp plus for android, that will tell you who visited your profile recently / who tapped on your chat
GBWhatsapp download and instructions
First you need to have gb whatsapp installed on your device you can install it from HERE
After you finish all installation steps activate this option from gbsettings ⬇

If i were you i wouldn't use "2.5.2 Play tone also" as it will be very annoying, anyway
The rules for this trick to work
1- You must be online, WHICH MEANS not using gbwhatsapp's hide last seen.
2- If you open a conversation with a contact or open their profile whatsapp will show a toast notification "Contact is online" each time that contact is online for about 15 minutes.
3- If a contact opens a conversation with you or opens your profile whatsapp will show a toast notification "Contact is online" each time that contact is online for about 15 minutes.
-which means (s)he's stalking you (consider rule 2)
4- If whatsapp shows a toast notification "*unknown number* is online": Definitely stalking you, lol
-Try to quickly memorize the number, so you can search it using true caller for example.